I am a father, husband, infosec something, and now blogger. This page is to help me understand by writing things down, and hopefully in turn maybe help out some other people along the way.

See that avatar image I have above? I stole it from a cartoon one day and now for the life of me I can't find where I stole it from. I've tried reverse image search and Google Lens and just googling words but I can't find it. If someone knows what it is from please please let me know, you can message me on twitter. I don't like stealing content but the picture just really illustrates my general view of everything

Nessus SSL cert from letsencrypt.org

We have Nessus set up on a cloud hosted server for shared use. Access to it is restricted by IP address to only allow our VPN connections in so we are relatiely confident on the security of the connection. However the security pop-up in the browser is annoying and if... [Read More]
Tags: nessus ssl